Ever since I was a young boy I have had a fascination with photography.
Born and raised in Manitoba we came to appreciate the prairies and the beauty of our region, however travelling across Canada and the U.S. as a young boy opened up the vistas of a large and beautiful world. And as we travelled as a family my father would take countless images of the things we had seen, and then to be seen time and time again as slides displayed on the living room wall. I had no idea of what was good or bad in photography but I knew that I loved seeing landscape images that captured the parts of creation that we had visited.
And this fascination would only grow as we spent time in our grandfather’s attic, looking at all of the old LIFE magazines that he had collected over the years. These photos provided stories of people and events that had happened over the years. Even the car ads struck a chord of excitement to this young boy (and some might say they still do).
It is with this excitement that I take my gear with me wherever I go. Whether its a day trip or a longer excursion to other places, I enjoy time spent in capturing with photography what I have seen. My hope is that the images on this site increase your curiosity and create the desire to travel and see more of the world around us.